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PBB - turn 6 moves

Leila dashes from the house and moves towards Karen to offer any assistance needed. Jack also bolts from the house and heads towards the pick up truck so he can drop off the chainsaw.

Blink moves to the side of the dumpster and steadies his SMG and takes aim at the approaching zombies.

Karen tells the hapless survivors in the house to remain calm and be quiet and then melts into the shadows of the building herself.

Niki uses her rope and climbs with ease to the first level of the burnt out house. The kid on the first floor stares with open mouth with the sword she carries.

Mr X. sees Jack with the chainsaw and jumps down and takes it from him and puts it in the back of the truck for safety.

You can just make out Karen and Niki in the house.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the farm Lucky and Robert move to provide support to Sandy, who shouts his thanks over his shoulder.
"Hey, Kid!" says Sandy, "Can you get down".

The Boy Scout whimpers and cries "Don't make me climb down, I'm full of chocolate"

"Hey, Kid!"

 "Braaaaaains" moan the zombies and they get closer to the survivors.

Blink steadies himself and takes aim

another view of the zombies.. note the rear door.

Over near the bill board and truck four move zombies make their way in to the area

The last photo gives a better idea of the range to the zombies from Blink. They wont make it there next turn, but are getting very close.  Blink wasn't actually given the order to fire his SMG, but he will get a bonus for next turn if he fires due to aiming.

 Remember that you can ask questions about what you see before giving orders such as ranges,which I would give as an 'estimation' such as 'close', 'short' or 'long' for example.

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