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Spicy Parsnip Soup

Parsnips are bang in season right now and are often overlooked and underrated. This soup is packed full of flavour with garlic, ginger, garam masala and chilli all bringing warmth and deliciousness but without taking away the flavour of the parsnip itself.

I like to use almond milk in this recipe as it brings a lovely nutty creaminess but you could use coconut milk or even semi-skimmed cow's milk, if you like. To make it vegan, lose the butter and double up on the splash of oil at the start of the recipe. 

Spicy Parsnip Soup
Serves 4-6

knob of butter
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
5cm piece fresh ginger, finely chopped
1 fresh red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
1 tbsp garam masala 
6 parsnips, peeled and chopped into 3cm chunks.
500ml almond milk 
750 ml vegetable stock 
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat a splash of olive oil and the butter in a large saucepan. Add the onion, garlic, ginger and garam masala. Gently fry for 10 minutes or until the onions are soft and sweet. Add the chilli and cook for a further minute.

Stir the parsnip chunks into the onion mixture until well coated. Pour in the milk and stock, season well and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 30 minutes with a lid on. 

After half an hour, check that the parsnips are cooked by sticking a knife in. If you’re happy, remove them from the heat and blitz with a stick blender until smooth and creamy.

Have a taste and adjust the seasoning as required. Delicious served with crusty bread, a dollop of crème fraîche and an extra drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

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