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Scatter Terrain 17

Quick update on the pallets.

I've cast more pallets and started to add the stores to them all. Now the cast quality of the stores isn't perfect because as they will all be covered in tarps it wasn't important, hence I did quick and easy casts without using the pressure tank.

I also added some scale model pieces to add variety.

As you can see above I have some casts of the now no longer available Chimera/Russ & Baneblade road wheels. I did these just for this purpose.

I plan to keep casting pallets this weekend as I have loads more store casts and scale model bits to use up. I also want to make some larger crates to add to them and start mixing in some Guard bits.

Once I have more cast up I'll start adding the tarps.

As a reminder this is one of the test pieces I did when I started experimenting with tarps:

Should have another update up this weekend.

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