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Rollin' with it: Piratical feats 'n' treats

Arrrgh! | PiratesImage (cc) Joriel "Joz" Jimenez via Flickr
Yarr!  My Freeport game for Pathfinder is gathering speed - in my head at least.  I've been reading through the Pirate's Guide and getting a handle on the wheels rolling behind the setting.

E6 games need feats, so I got some Combat, Subterfuge and Immediate Action feats from Genuis Guide to keep my players (and NPCs) up to speed.  The "Immediate Action" feats are pretty cool, essentially providing more options for Attacks of Opportunity - throwing weapons and all sorts.

While I was scouting for feats I also came across the GG "Loot 4 Less" range of low-level magic items.  The idea is that rather than dishing out potion after potion at low levels, the guides give plenty of well rounded and statted permanent magic items.  Works for me - and where would a pirate game be without loot?

So: Feats - check!  Loot - check!  World - getting there... but hurrah for cheap 3rd party support!

Next time:  Colouring In, or making the sketch into a picture.

Got any tips for "fast and loose" GMing?  Why not comment or submit a guest post - and help me out..?

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