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Getting Really P****d Off Now!!!

Andy had forgotten that we have an emergency household policy with his bank but remembered it when the plumber let us down on Monday.
We phoned them and they told us to go out and buy a heater of some kind immediately and they would reimburse us and they arranged for a heating engineer to come yesterday between 4pm and midnight. 8pm he phoned to say that he wouldn't be able to make it and would rearrange for today between the same hours.
I've really had enough now. No heating I can just about cope with although we do now have a little electric fire for the living room....it's the lack of hot water that is getting me down. Carrying kettles of water up to the bathroom for strip washes doesn't in any way compare to being able to run a hot bath.

The house DS and DDIL went to look at on Monday was a disappointment. In fact DDIL said it was disgusting.
They have another one to look at tomorrow so fingers crossed for that one.

Hope you are all having a lovely day.

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