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WHAT I WORE TODAY.......wow! no tights! it's summer!

I am really not bothered today! And what clothing movement suits not being bothered? Grunge! Well glam-grunge. So off to see the wizard and needed a change of clothing.
t-shirt - topshop
skirt - river island
cardigan - topshop
My mother hates my hat. Hates it to a point where she is refusing to sit near me if I wear it. So I now have to pull my crap hair into a bun of some description!
hat - topshop
I don't care, I like it!
bag - Peter Pilotto for Kipling Brown Thomas. I love this bag. It has become the saviour of my travels away from the nest. I can carry everything including my laptop in comfort - without compromising style. Plus, I freakin' love Peter Pilotto!
How do you know its spring? Because I am not wearing tights under my skirt! For the first time in months!
leopard print shoes - primark
ring - vintage
woop woop. comfortable in my grunge! Although the hat must go.....sad times! Sorry there hasn't been many outfit posts lately, but I have had to sacrifice it, what with all the travels. You must trust me that I am still working it, without or with the camera's involvement.
I am loving my cardigan. It truly is a wonder....

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